The 2022 City Nature Challenge Starts Tonight at Midnight!

While some of the cities participating in this year’s CNC started nearly a day ago (it’s that dateline thing at work), the event here on Maui is going live right at midnight tonight.  If you’d like to join in, it is as easy as downloading the iNaturalist or Seek app and making an observation of any kind of wildlife – plant or animal, on the land, sea, or wetland.  Any observation made on Maui between now and this coming Monday at midnight will be included in the CNC tally.  If you’d like to get more background on the CNC, their main page is

Reminder – Look for Wildlife!!

The focus of the City Nature Challenge is wildlife, not planted plants or domesticated animals. If you (or your kids) do want to make these sorts of observations, make sure you mark them as captured/cultivated on your observation.

Social Media Links


Twitter: @MauiNuiNatHist

Instagram: @Mauinui_Natural_History

iNaturalist Project Page: